The FlySafe Program

Empower Your Community with the FlySafe Program, powered by AirHub®


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The FlySafe Program, powered by Airspace Link’s FAA-approved AirHub® Portal platform, empowers cities and communities to safely integrate drones.

Participating FlySafe communities are able to publish and disseminate airspace rules, advisories and ground risk details, and provide drone route optimization based on real-time hazards and regulations, increasing safety to all residents. 

Find out how our turnkey solution helps governments publish drone rules, identify safe flight areas, and enable brand new economic opportunities.

FlySafe Program

FlySafe Program Case Studies

Find out how other cities are getting drone ready with Airspace Link's FlySafe Program, powered by  AirHub®.




FlySafe Program: Arlington, TX

The City of Arlington, TX is fast becoming one of the most drone-forward cities in America, in partnership with Airspace Link’s FlySafe Program, supporting innovative drone integration in the city.

Arlington has an ambitious mobility agenda, with a strong focus on innovation to deliver smart solutions to its 400,000 residents. Working across multiple city agencies, Airspace Link has teamed with the Arlington to organize and maximize drone efforts community-wide, delivering guidance and technical support to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of municipal drone readiness.



FlySafe Program: Ontario, CA

Recognizing drones' potential but aware of regulatory barriers, the City of Ontario, CA enlisted Airspace Link's expertise in municipal drone integration, leveraging the FlySafe Program’s turnkey stepped approach. Since its introduction, Ontario has gained critical tools and training to safely harness the potential of drones and introduce coordinated drone activity into the community, implementing pilot drone initiatives across public safety, infrastructure inspection, and product delivery.

Next, Ontario has an eye on expanded services like a recreational drone park and on-demand cargo delivery zones that will help attract additional economic development.

Airspace Link's UAS Framework for Cities

The 6 Steps to UAS Readiness


Airspace Link's UAS Readiness Assessment is an essential part of our FlySafe Program, providing a comprehensive view of your communities' progress through the stages of full UAS integration. 

We'll provide an assessment of your current level, and guide you through the steps to make your city drone ready.

  • Understand your community's unique airspace and ground risk characteristics
  • Get information about critical infrastructure,  aerial impediments, and existing drone registration and certified pilots within your community.
  • Receive a custom UAS Readiness Report & Roadmap, bringing clarity to complexity based on the aligned objectives and outcomes.
  • Aligning departments on current use of drones and future planning and objectives critical to efficient growth and integration of systems and operations.


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